Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Virtual Reality - Name That RPG

Do you ever find yourself assuming the role of your favorite RPG character?
I do declare that I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably not alone in this - at least I hope not!

See that lovely picture? That, my friends, is a beautiful butterfly well in tact. Oh, except the whole missing it's head thing, but hey, you didn't notice anyway. Right?
Aside from the foraging for Lepidoptera, I also happened to come across a plant here in Michigan that distinctly resembles 'Tundra Cotton'. Good luck trying to figure out the correct term for the white foliage, I don't know shit about shit when it comes to flowers.

Have these two clues given you enough information to pinpoint which RPG I'm referring to? Leave your guess in a comment and let's see who nails it first!
PS - I sincerely apologize to the poor ant that was trying to get some grub action while I stole it's meal. Another oopsie to totally throwing off the natural 'Circle of Life' situation at hand during the captivity. Please do not attempt to recreate or reenact the above photo.

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