Friday, October 24, 2014

Diabo III

I am now the proud owner of Diablo III for Xbox 360.
The character selection is pretty typical - tank, cleric, mage, archer.
In addition to the usual toons, they also have a Witch Doctor (creeeeeepy).
To no surprise at all, I decided on the Demon Hunter class.
Mainly, I want to run around and duel wield crossbows dealing damage using Hatred and Discipline.
Uh.. yes please!

I didn't get a change to play through very much of the story line, sadly. Yanno, child with Strep Throat 'n all. I'm pretty pumped to dig in the gameplay deeper.

Speaking of gameplay - my initial reaction to the game automatically take me back to 1999 of Gauntlet Legends for N64. Demon Hunter = upgraded and improved Archer. 
I mean, you run around, kill things ranged, pick up coin/health, and open chests (without keys!!). You teleport via glowing portals on the ground. The zombies continue to respawn from the Wretched Mother until killed. Sound familiar?

I'm sure once I continue through the story line, I'll regret the comparison. From the first hour, though, all I think of is Gauntlet. Just modern-day technology.