Thursday, September 25, 2014

World War Z

Let's start off with the fact that I have a rather serious fear of all things zombie related.
Also, I'd like to first recognize Max Brooks for the original novel.

World War Z didn't make me as terribly sweaty as most apocalypse movies do. I'm talking like majority of them leave me with legit muscle cramps and tension throughout my entire body. It's rather concerning. We won't even begin with the impossible imagination - nightmares included.

My first impression of these 'zombies' honestly reminded me of an incredibly hungry and upset Beast. Their movements were very primitive and super-humany. That put a nice spin on the typical 'walker' stereotype. Slow, clumsy, uhhhh, type zombies. These things were crazy!!

Of course, the common 'one guy can save the world' scenario is put in place. His adventure is a little different than most, though. Most of all zombie flicks now are just the 'I'm bored and want a thrill' kind of deals. Your family is dead, kill zombies, run a mile, your friend gets bit, kill said friend, cry, etc. WWZ had some brain power behind the making. I enjoyed how the three writers figured out the plot.

Needless to say, I will never watch this movie again in my entire life. I heard decent things so I had to check it out for myself. Duh. *lesson learned* Can't fault a girl that at least knows what she doesn't want (who am I kidding?). 

I do, however, highly recommend this movie to anyone that loves this genre of sci-fi. I specifically used Netflix to stream this horror film. Have you picked up on the trend yet??

Oh, and here's a little distraction with all the zombie chatter.
 I'm going to go watch The Little Mermaid or something so I don't have crap dreams. Indubitably, that would entail that I actually hit REM tonight. Yeah, oookay. (>.<)
Show me some better rainbow farts in the comments. Errbody got time fa dat!