Monday, September 29, 2014


Yup, this is me U+2193.svg                                 
Currently failing at being 'me'.

I was the girl that worked out 4-5 days a week. I was the mom that fed her kid organic food. I was the gamer that played Call of Duty with a toddler crawling on her lap. I was the sister that talked about everything.

And you know what happened the last few weeks? Here's a peek.

I haven't even ran in two weeks.
I've literally only eaten pizza rolls these same two weeks.
Last time I picked up Call of Duty, I was too drunk to play.
I haven't even talked to my sister in detail about it.
I even smoked a pack of cigarettes.

Fantastic point, Sir!!

What the flaming fuck is happening here? Is this what happens to normal people? Have you ever completely lost who you thought you were? How does one person have that kind of power?
Wait a minute, can I buy that on eBay?

Next question: Why does this reality seem to happen in spurts of emotional garbage? Can't it be easy and just all hit at once and be done? Why is it so sporadic?

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Boom - suck on that epic question. Or enjoy Perry. Everything is better with Perry.

If anyone has any input on the phases of coping or whatever all that psychology crap says, please, I'm open to suggestions on what to do next.

Once Upon A Time

Guess who's balls deep in a new show?

So I'm a little behind on the band wagon? Hate me some more, why don't ya. I was always good at being the odd ball out.

Please tell me you've experienced this show. A little difficult to grasp at first with all of the flashbacks to construed time lines, it's well worth the time to understand what's going on. I'm looped.

So before this is you:
Keep in mind that I will be back. As soon as I'm finished. Promise!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

World War Z

Let's start off with the fact that I have a rather serious fear of all things zombie related.
Also, I'd like to first recognize Max Brooks for the original novel.

World War Z didn't make me as terribly sweaty as most apocalypse movies do. I'm talking like majority of them leave me with legit muscle cramps and tension throughout my entire body. It's rather concerning. We won't even begin with the impossible imagination - nightmares included.

My first impression of these 'zombies' honestly reminded me of an incredibly hungry and upset Beast. Their movements were very primitive and super-humany. That put a nice spin on the typical 'walker' stereotype. Slow, clumsy, uhhhh, type zombies. These things were crazy!!

Of course, the common 'one guy can save the world' scenario is put in place. His adventure is a little different than most, though. Most of all zombie flicks now are just the 'I'm bored and want a thrill' kind of deals. Your family is dead, kill zombies, run a mile, your friend gets bit, kill said friend, cry, etc. WWZ had some brain power behind the making. I enjoyed how the three writers figured out the plot.

Needless to say, I will never watch this movie again in my entire life. I heard decent things so I had to check it out for myself. Duh. *lesson learned* Can't fault a girl that at least knows what she doesn't want (who am I kidding?). 

I do, however, highly recommend this movie to anyone that loves this genre of sci-fi. I specifically used Netflix to stream this horror film. Have you picked up on the trend yet??

Oh, and here's a little distraction with all the zombie chatter.
 I'm going to go watch The Little Mermaid or something so I don't have crap dreams. Indubitably, that would entail that I actually hit REM tonight. Yeah, oookay. (>.<)
Show me some better rainbow farts in the comments. Errbody got time fa dat!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

100 Degrees Below Zero

Movie Review! *extra side of spoilers

So if you haven't caught on, my escape from reality is to drive in deep to all things science based fantasy. Which is needed as of recent, given the latest events in my personal life.

Let's visit the movie 100 Degree Below Zero, shall we?

The environmental concept in this movie was pretty intriguing and even slightly believable. Job well done, H. Perry Horton, on setting the plot line for possible scenarios. I would love to hear from a geophysicist on if this is probable and the percentage rate for occurrence.

Sara Malakul Lane made it an incredibly difficult challenge to watch the entire movie from beginning to end.
To keep it simple:
You either look like this ---> and do soft core porn *cough cough Jailbait*
You have a seriously decent acting career.

Unless you're Angelina Jolie. That bitch does it all.

For being someone so far under the radar with experience, Marc McKevitt Ewins didn't give me a 'gouge my eyes out' experience. Besides my normal focal point being his teeth, I found him to be handsome on a normal scale.

Here we go with some (probably incorrect) numbers crunching.
We all remember the movie Clerks from '94, right? That movie was created using only approximately 5% of the total budget used to create 100 Degrees Below Zero - and it still blows 100 Degrees Below Zero out of the park. I'm pretty sure it's safe to say that I will purposely go out of my way to be cautious that I never watch another film by The Asylum. *That previous sentence is false due to my curiosity of all things sci-fi but it added nice impact*

In case you read this without checking out the title of my blog, please revisit the top of the page. This is a place for criticism from me, a lame fangirl, using entirely my own opinion. I openly accept all opposing points in the comments. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Episode 1 Live with Elder Scrolls Online

Snap! Aaaaand back to reality (aka obsessive sci-fi).

Every other Friday, Elder Scrolls Online hits Twitch with a new livestream. This is an awesome time to catch up on the recent upgrades and feedback in the community.

If you missed the first release, check it out here.

Or maybe you don't have time to watch the 1.5 hours worth of amaze balls. So here are some cliff notes from your favorite fangirl, or not.

We start off meeting Community Manager Jessica Folsom and Assistant Community Manager Gina Bruno. Are you ready for some upgrades? Here we go!

Update 4 is now live! Woohoo

  • Serpent Trial
  • Grouping improvements
  • PFX prioritization
  • Dragonstar Arena
Update 5 hits PTS next month!
  • Veteran City of Ash
  • Werewolves
  • Chat bubbles! (FTW)
  • Facial animations
Monday, September 22 a new Tales of the Dead contest begins. ESO provides you with a scene from the game that is never explained in the plot line. It's up to you to create the dynamics. Where are my D&D players? Here are the winners from August 29.

Next, the girls bring Lead Writer, Wynne McLaughlin, to the broadcast for a little Q & A session. I won't go into this much but it wasn't bad to watch if you're interested in the actual story line creation. 

We are then turned over to the fan-based creations. For starters, we're forced to listen to this rather annoying (unless you're addicted to Final Fantasy) music by Armin Gutjahr called Banner of Cyrodiil. Yeah, not a fan considering I'm slightly in love with Jeremy Soule. 

Afterwards, we are joined by Michael Phillips, Assistant Art Director. Incoming Fan-Art! 
Is it terrible to say I didn't enjoy most of these? Oops, did I say that out loud? Yes, yes I did. *ahem -please review blog title* 

The girls then go into a Skype chat with the first pick, SlayerSyrena, for a little Q & A because she does so much fan art for ESO. She seems pretty legit!

Next is the live Events segment. Here is just a preview of what kind of things happen in ESO:
  • Afterlight Carousal - North American megaserver at The Stone Oasis Inn, in Bergama (Daggerfall Covenant)
  • Player Live Auction - North American megaserver (Aldmeri Dominion)
  • Emberheart Tavern Nights - European megaserver at Geirmund's Hall (Ebonheart Pact)
  • Sermones of Jone and Jode - North American megaserver in Grahtwood (Aldmeri Dominion)
  • Unofficial Tavern Night - North American megaserver at The Screaming Mermaid in Stros M'Kai (Daggerfall Covenant)
  • Wayrest Mages Guild Lecture Nights - European megaserver at the Wayrest Mages Guild
  • The Green Leaf Tavern - North American megaserver at The Green Leaf Tavern in Cormount, in Grahtwood (Aldmeri Dominion)
  • Heartfire Ebonheart Pact Moot - North American megaserver at the city of Riften (Ebonheart Pact)
Blue Skooma Roleplayers, formally Blue Skooma Company, guild leader, Ri'sari, is now up for his round of Q & A. He digs into the Player Live Auction a little bit if you're interested. They've been doing it every single week since the very beginning so they definitely know what they're talking about.

Next up: ESO Merchandise!
Pre-sale: Nightingale Statue (GIMME GIMME GIMME), Heroes of Tamriel: Breton Statue, Molag Bal Metal Print
Available Now: Fighters Guild Journeyman in Akaviri Armor, Guar Plush

Gina /roll from everyone that typed 'Guar' in their chat for a free Plush. This Plush includes a pet in-game as well. Epic? Yes! *if they did one this time, more than likely you will see it in the future!

The following segment goes over the hot topics that hit forums, fan sites, etc. (cliff notes):

  • Stamina builds
  • Buffs for weaker abilities
  • Werewolves (Damage Scaling/Savage Strength Passive) + new abilities
  • Weapon Power VS Spell Power
  • Nightblade classes
  • Itemization

Walkthrough of Dragonstar Arena with Hodor and Da Funk (AKA Da HODOR Funk) comin' at ya! This will show you in-game play time with some veteran players. The team had a bit of technical difficulties starting out on this pilot but you get the idea. The player you view in third person POV has a killer AOE.

Winner will have their hoodie choice of one of the three alliances by typing 'hoodie' in their Twitch chat.

The final segment is a video clip of some of the ESO developers pronouncing some of the more difficult terminology from Tamriel. Now, this was actually pretty hilarious to watch. Check out the blogs this week for your chance to take the challenge of your vocabulary!

In a more serious light - I thoroughly enjoyed Gina but Jessica just grinds my gears a little. Sure, she's educated on content but her lack of real life passionate responses make watching this pretty brutal. The visual transition between segments is not entirely appealing to my eye.

Catch the next livestream on September 26 4PM EDT!! It'll be worth it!

Virtual Reality - Name That RPG

Do you ever find yourself assuming the role of your favorite RPG character?
I do declare that I've come to the conclusion that I'm probably not alone in this - at least I hope not!

See that lovely picture? That, my friends, is a beautiful butterfly well in tact. Oh, except the whole missing it's head thing, but hey, you didn't notice anyway. Right?
Aside from the foraging for Lepidoptera, I also happened to come across a plant here in Michigan that distinctly resembles 'Tundra Cotton'. Good luck trying to figure out the correct term for the white foliage, I don't know shit about shit when it comes to flowers.

Have these two clues given you enough information to pinpoint which RPG I'm referring to? Leave your guess in a comment and let's see who nails it first!
PS - I sincerely apologize to the poor ant that was trying to get some grub action while I stole it's meal. Another oopsie to totally throwing off the natural 'Circle of Life' situation at hand during the captivity. Please do not attempt to recreate or reenact the above photo.

Video Game High School

Woah! Have you checked this series out on Netflix yet?
I was almost as geeked about this concept as when I first watched Wreck It Ralph. Talk about some ultimate brain power behind that hamster wheel.
Think of what it would have been like to go to high school specifically for gaming; from Rhythm Method, Drift Racing, FPS, and Unknown Fighting Class. Um, yes please! Not only are these kids literally gaming all day and knocking their peers down in expulsion rank with each win, it seems that they have an unlimited supply of Monster Energy Drink. Did I mention the vending machines on campus with hot pockets in a can??
So now you understand my slight excitement.
Talk about poor delivery. Yikes. On Netflix, I only have access to the first two seasons. Each season has maybe 5 or 6 episodes that are probably 30 minutes long. I'm far from impressed with the selected cast for what could have potentially been a major hitter in my book of epic.
What brought me to VGHS, you ask? The one and only Zachary Levi
I found out he had a part in the series and jumped all over it like a maggot to dead flesh. I was more than heart broken when his role wasn't very active, but only in Season 1 twice. Once during a classroom setting for FPS 101 and the other during the JV vs. Varsity tryouts. With an absolutely painful accent, mind you.
Did you pull out your hair watching VGHS too? Let me know in the comments.
Stay tuned for the final thoughts after Season 2!

Virgin Blogger

So, I'm sure from the title that you all know how experienced I am in the virtual scene. Not!
Lacking in the friends department, I have few people I can dispute with in a healthy manner. From reading fic to avid gaming, I have lots to talk about. No better place than the wonderful highway of information processing - the internet. Thank you kindly, ARPANET.

Short and sweet. Stick around. You just might find something you enjoy. Or you could always leave me a comment for some ideas on what you actually want to spend your spare time reading aimlessly :)