Sunday, October 2, 2016

Peace out, Girl Scout!

There's this wonderland of like minded individuals that think alike, write alike, and maybe even like the same pizza toppings.

I'm talking about

Well, fans, this is where I'm heading. In case you actually read this stuff or are interested in what's next to come, you should come follow me at

It may or may not be worth your time or effort: no disclaimers here!

It's been real. It's been fun. It's been super quiet since no one every responds to what I write. So I'm off to find readers. I'm off to explore the interests and imaginations of nerd enthusiast. Farewell, Blogger.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Bringin' Back the 90's

Fuller House on Netflix.

This is some serious nostalgia. From 1987 to 1995, this show was my entire beginning. The Olson twins had the famous "You got it, dude!", which is what I still to this day say to my three year old daughter. Stephanie had the famous, "How rude!".
Always an appropriate quote for idiots being..well idiots.

The sexism of men staying home vs. women staying home to tend to children was totally diminished and brought into light. Full House has a major impact on how society saw how a household ran. This just comes to show how much, we as humans, take television to heart, especially at a young age.


DJ has 3 boys of her own, Stephanie and Gibbler (and her daughter) move into the original house. The main focus is on life scenarios in general - each episode.

I would love to go into how television and society ruin a person's character, wellbeing, and overall experience with their environment but I just want to keep it nostalgic towards Fuller House instead. It's lighter. The fact that I feel so "in tune" with the relationships established in this new series is insane. "Stephanie" literally just said, "This is our forth hug in 4 minutes.". C'mon now.  A few minutes later, Gibbler walked in and said, "Just in time!" (relating to a group hug). Like...seriously?

I fully understand this isn't the nerdiest post I've released yet but man, oh man, this show just makes me love life and how society used to be. I appreciate the way technology has brought us where we need to be as a complete unit, but the emotional aspect of emotional appreciation has seriously been lost.

To a different level, general speaking, Fuller House just helps me get back to the 90's when things used to be easier and simpler. No, the show isn't great - especially to a new user. To a lifetime fan - this show is the jam! This is a review from multiple young adults ranging from 25 to 32. I absolutely can appreciate Candace Cameron Bure for her Christian lifestyle while being a female actress. That's definitely significant even thought her characters makes less than appropriate choices.

Overall, this show is super cheesy but super in-the-know of where their fan base is in life. It's very easy, as a previous fan to be a "super fan". I strongly suggest watching this series on Netflix if you have any presuppositions on Full House in the 90's. You won't be disappointed if you're a true fan!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Diabo III

I am now the proud owner of Diablo III for Xbox 360.
The character selection is pretty typical - tank, cleric, mage, archer.
In addition to the usual toons, they also have a Witch Doctor (creeeeeepy).
To no surprise at all, I decided on the Demon Hunter class.
Mainly, I want to run around and duel wield crossbows dealing damage using Hatred and Discipline.
Uh.. yes please!

I didn't get a change to play through very much of the story line, sadly. Yanno, child with Strep Throat 'n all. I'm pretty pumped to dig in the gameplay deeper.

Speaking of gameplay - my initial reaction to the game automatically take me back to 1999 of Gauntlet Legends for N64. Demon Hunter = upgraded and improved Archer. 
I mean, you run around, kill things ranged, pick up coin/health, and open chests (without keys!!). You teleport via glowing portals on the ground. The zombies continue to respawn from the Wretched Mother until killed. Sound familiar?

I'm sure once I continue through the story line, I'll regret the comparison. From the first hour, though, all I think of is Gauntlet. Just modern-day technology. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Love Naps

My best friend > your best friend

That said, if I could have slapped her through the phone today, I probably would have. Okay, okay - false statement: but she got to take a nap today. What a jerk.
*naps can be bad too - correction

Between yesterday and today (trying to make up for 3 weeks of lost time), I've been working out like a machine. Bigger workouts = bigger appetite. Along with a bigger appetite comes more cravings for food that treats my body like an asshole. I can't wait to see the day where I get a nap and fast food. Say whaaaat??

Let's take a trip down what my nightly sleep schedule looks like, shall we?
Not too shabby, right? Yeah, oookay. Gag me with a pitch fork. 
This garbage is getting really old. I'm pretty sure it's safe to assume that this was caused post baby. My body just got used to it? I can't answer that.

Memory Lane for Child:
First 4 months - 1.5 hour windows of sleep
Month 8 - first 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep
Month 11 - first 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep
Almost 2 years - sometimes she sleeps the entire night in her own bed

Oh look, more pictures -.-

Dear Naptime,

     I miss you dearly. Your stress-free environment of relaxation is all I need right now. Please rescue me from myself. I need you.

Mentally Exhausted

Monday, October 6, 2014

Star Wars Game Night

I love my sister. Why? She throws super awesome parties. Ok, so there's more than that, but it's my focus tonight.

I finally participated in a themed party. Normally, especially as of recent, I haven't wanted to do a single thing that involved decent hygiene. Yeah, gross, I get it. Please, tell me more.

You would think I had some hot date or something. Nah, I got to hang out with a bunch of married nerds. Even better! They all participated too. One chick even showed up with a Han cosplay. Winning!

I was pretty geeked because I told her I would bring my Star Wars Trivial Pursuit. I hadn't realized until that night that I really don't have friends. How do I know that?
The pieces are still in the plastic.
You have to have 4 players. (>.<)

We didn't end up playing it due to conversations about being a 'folder' or 'wader' in regards to how you wipe your butt. This took up majority of our night with the original series playing as filler noise. It was pretty freaking fantastic. Oh, and Asians apparently have very soft skin? Who knew.

It felt really good to nerd out with real people. You can only watch so many sci-fi shows with your cat before you start going insane with the lack of dialogue. Sometimes you just need to talk about that scene or how awesome that lens flare wasn't! (sorry JJ)

Monday, September 29, 2014


Yup, this is me U+2193.svg                                 
Currently failing at being 'me'.

I was the girl that worked out 4-5 days a week. I was the mom that fed her kid organic food. I was the gamer that played Call of Duty with a toddler crawling on her lap. I was the sister that talked about everything.

And you know what happened the last few weeks? Here's a peek.

I haven't even ran in two weeks.
I've literally only eaten pizza rolls these same two weeks.
Last time I picked up Call of Duty, I was too drunk to play.
I haven't even talked to my sister in detail about it.
I even smoked a pack of cigarettes.

Fantastic point, Sir!!

What the flaming fuck is happening here? Is this what happens to normal people? Have you ever completely lost who you thought you were? How does one person have that kind of power?
Wait a minute, can I buy that on eBay?

Next question: Why does this reality seem to happen in spurts of emotional garbage? Can't it be easy and just all hit at once and be done? Why is it so sporadic?

How much wood could a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood? Boom - suck on that epic question. Or enjoy Perry. Everything is better with Perry.

If anyone has any input on the phases of coping or whatever all that psychology crap says, please, I'm open to suggestions on what to do next.

Once Upon A Time

Guess who's balls deep in a new show?

So I'm a little behind on the band wagon? Hate me some more, why don't ya. I was always good at being the odd ball out.

Please tell me you've experienced this show. A little difficult to grasp at first with all of the flashbacks to construed time lines, it's well worth the time to understand what's going on. I'm looped.

So before this is you:
Keep in mind that I will be back. As soon as I'm finished. Promise!